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Development • design / Product Design Dept.2, FC Division

Challenging myself to create new value in order to contribute to customers' technological advancement and business growth

  • T.H.
  • He joined the company in 2007. His hobby is collecting gadgets. He likes new and different things such as smartphones, tablets and innovative knick-knacks. He has many treasures in his collection. He is most relaxed when playing with his daughter on his days off. He hopes to share his electronics hobby with her in the future.

Current Job

Designing circuits for set-top boxes, air conditioners and consumer electronics

When I was job hunting, I focused on the electronic component manufacturing industry. I encountered and became interested in SMK while I was looking for a place to do my internship. After I worked at SMK as an intern, I wanted to join the company.

Since entering the company, I have been in charge of circuit design for remote controllers for set-top boxes, air conditioners and consumer electronics. Based on our customers' specifications we study ways to realize greater user friendliness at low cost, then we recommend a product to the customers. Sometimes we develop a product ourselves and sell it to customers. People usually think that remote controllers need push-button operation, but recently many new innovative technologies such as electrostatic touch pads, motion sensors and speech recognition systems have become available, adding variety to the lineup. For this reason, we have received many orders that require full customization for a particular product, so the circuits we design are becoming more complicated.

Job Satisfaction

The great pleasure of the job is seeing our influence in the world.

The number of cases where we are in charge of a product that needs the introduction of new technology is increasing. I create a circuit diagram based on specifications, determine and procure necessary components by meeting with the mechanism design engineers and software engineers, repeat testing and evaluation by mounting the components on trial circuit boards. After all this a product is finally ready.

Once I introduced a motion sensor technology in order to realize a product with intuitive GUI operation. The client had a request for an intricate design and extremely precise manufacturing. The difficult part was how to incorporate the sensor, and the shape and the location of an antenna for radio waves to be mounted on the board. In the end, we solved all the problems.

After adding functions and making several minor changes to the above remote controller, more than 10 million units were delivered. When such products are released, we feel particular satisfaction. Once or twice every year we deliver million-seller products.

Challenges and Dreams

To become globally recognized as a superior component manufacturer

Our team has been challenging ourselves to realize new technologies for several years. Because we have to create something unprecedented, we often hit a wall. However, we enjoy the moments when we make a breakthrough. Recently I find that a difficult project improves my motivation. We have taken patents for some technologies and have received new offers from customers who have noticed our achievements. I would like to develop an innovative sensor and offer products that incorporate the sensor to the world. On top of meeting customer requirements, I would like to create new value that propels customers' technological advancement and business growth. By working as a team that includes designing, sales, production technology, production, quality control and associate companies, we will become a component manufacturer that is recognized globally for its superiority.

Career Step

  • 2007 -
  • Sec. 3, Product Design Dept. 2, FC Division

    In charge of designing circuit boards for various remote controllers.